Information on Entamoeba Researchers

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First Letter of Last Name: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Dr. Mohammed Darwish Abd-Alla,
Department of Tropical Medicine,
El Hussein University Hospital,
Al Hazar University,
1890 Al Hazar Street,
Al Darasa, Cairo Egypt

Telephone Number : 002-48-362978
FAX Number : 002-48-362978
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology and Genetics of Amebiasis

Top of Address List

Dr. John P. Ackers,
Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
Keppel Street,
London, WC1E 7HT, England

Telephone Number : 44-207-927-2346
FAX Number : 44-207-636-8739
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular Biology; Biochemistry; Epidemiology; Diagnosis

Top of Address List

Dr Rodina Mosbah AL-Shawa,
Department of Biological Sciences,
University of Al-Azhar University,
P.O Box 1439,
Gaza -Palestine

Telephone number : +9708-2867564
E-Mail address :
Interests : Intestinal Parasites

Top of Address List

Dr. Richard A. Albach,
Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
Chicago Medical School,
3333, Green Bay Road,
North Chicago, IL 60064 USA

Telephone Number : 847-578-8835
FAX Number : 847-578-3349
E-mail Address :
Interests : Cell Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Stephen Aley,
Department of Biological Sciences,
University of Texas at El Paso,
500 W. University Avenue,
El Paso, TX 79968, USA

Telephone Number : 915-747-5536
FAX Number : 915-747-6807
E-mail Address :
Interests : Biochemistry; Molecular Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Ibne Karim M. Ali,
Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health,
University of Virginia Health System,
MR6 Bldg., Room 1705A,
345 Crispell Drive, Box 801340,
Charlottesville, VA 22908   USA

Telephone Number : 434-924-5167
FAX Number : 434-924-0075
E-mail Address :

Interests : Molecular Biology; Biochemistry; Immunology; Epidemiology; Diagnosis

Top of Address List

Dr. Fernando Anaya-Velázquez,
Instituto de Investgación de Biología Experimental,
Facultad de Química,
Universidad de Guanajuato,
Noria Alta s/n, Zona Universidad,
Guanajuato, Gto. 36050, Mexico

Telephone Number : (52) 473-24302
Fax number : (52) 473-24302
E-mail Address :
Interests : Diagnosis of intestinal amebiasis, Ameba-bacteria relationship, Digestion of erythrocytes

Top of Address List

Dr.Serge Ankri,
Departament of Microbiology,
Faculty of Medicine, Technion,
Bat Galim,
Haifa 31096, Israel

Telephone Number : 972-4-8295256
FAX Number : 972-4-8295225
E-mail Address :
Interests : Pathogenesis, Differentiation

Top of Address List

Dr. Werner L. Apt Baruch,
Departamento de Medicina Experimental,
Facultad de Medicina,
Universidad de Chile, Campus Sur,
Gran Avda. 3, 100,
Santiago, Casilla 427, Stgo. 3 Chile

Telephone Number : 56-2-551-8041
FAX Number : 56-2-551-0174
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical; Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. Amir Azam,
Department of Chemistry,
Jamia Millia Islamia,
Maulana Mohamed Ali Jauhar Marg,
New Delhi 110025, India

Telephone Number : +91 11 26981717 Ext 3250
FAX Number : +91 11 2698 0229/1232
E-mail Address :
Interests : Antiamoebic Drugs, Medicinal Chemistry>

Top of Address List

Dr. Isaías Balderas Rentería,
Unidad de Higado del Hospital Universitario,
Facultad de Medicina,
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León,
Gonzalitos 235 Nte.,
Col. Mitras Centro,
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64720 México

Telephone Number : 8-347-61-80
FAX Number : 8-347-61-80
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular Biology of E. histolytica

Top of Address List

Dr. Devendra Bansal,
Immunophysiopathologie du Paludisme,
Centre d'Immunologie et de Biologie Parasitaire,
Institut Pasteur de Lille,
1 rue du Pr A. Calmette,
59019 Lille, France

Telephone Number : 33-3-20877798
FAX Number : 33-3-20877888
E-mail Address :
Interests :

Steven Becker,
Departments of Membrane Research and Biophysics,
The Weizmann Institute of Science,
PO Box 26,
Rehovot 76100 Israel

Telephone Number : 972-8-343-612
FAX Number : 972-8-468-256
E-mail Address :
Interests : Genetics; Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. Ingeborg D. Becker Fauser,
Departmento de Medicina Experimental,
Facultad de Medicina,
Ciudad Universitaria,
México D.F. 04510, México

Telephone Number : 525-548-5744
FAX Number : 525-548-5744
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. M. Asim Beg,
Department of Microbiology,
Faculty of Health Sciences,
Medical College, The Aga Khan University,
Stadium Road,
P.O. Box 3500,
Karachi 74800, Pakistan

Phone (92) 21 493-0051 ext. 4515/4516
Fax (92) 21 493-4294, 493-2095
E-Mail Address:
Interests: Parasitology clinical & applied, Epidemiology, Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. Klaus Bender,
Departments of Membrane Research and Biophysics,
The Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot 76100, Israel

Telephone Number : 972-8-343-609
FAX Number : 972-8-468-256
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular Biology; Epidemiology; Diagnostics

Top of Address List

Dr. Shobna J. Bhatia,
Department of Gastroenterology,
T N Medical College and BYL Nair Hospital,
AL Nair Road,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 064, India

Telephone Number : 91-22-308-1490
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests : Entamoeba dispar and E. hartmanni; Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Top of Address List

Dr. Alok Bhattacharya,
School of Life Sciences,
Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi 110 067, India

Telephone Number : +91-11-26704516
FAX Number : +91 11 6165886/6198234
E-mail Address :
Interests : Non-Clinical; Immunology; Cell Biology; Molecular Genetics

Top of Address List

Dr. Sudha Bhattacharya,
School of Environmental Sciences,
Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi 110 067, India

Telephone Number : +91-11-26704308
FAX Number : +91-11-26741502
E-mail Address : or
Interests : Molecular Biology; Genetics; Drugs

Top of Address List

Dr. Brigitte Boehm-Gloning,
Institute for Tropical Medicine,
Wilhelmstrasse 27,
Tübingen 72074, Germany

Telephone Number : 07071-292929
FAX Number : 07071-293017
E-mail Address :
Interests : Amebiasis

Top of Address List

Dr. Mark Bonner,
Institut International de Parodontie,
5775, Jean XXIII,
Québec, Canada

Telephone Number : 819-691-1343
FAX Number : 819-691-1771
E-mail Address :
Interests : Entamoeba gingivalis

Top of Address List

Dr. David Botero Ramos,
Instituto Colombiano de Medicina Tropical,
A. A. 52162,
Medellin, Colombia

Telephone Number : 262-5456/262-5494
FAX Number : 57-4-262-5508
E-mail Address :
Interests : Intestinal Parasitoses

Top of Address List

Dr. Iris Bruchhaus,
Department of Molecular Biology,
Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine,
Bernhard Nocht Strasse 74,
D-20359 Hamburg, Germany

Telephone Number : 49-40-31182-485
FAX Number : 49-40-31182-512
E-mail Address :
Interests : Enzymology; Proteases; Molecular Biology

Top of Address List

Brian Brunk,
EuPathDB Project Manager,
Penn Center for Bioinformatics,
University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6021 USA

Telephone Number : +1-215-573-3118
FAX Number : +1-215-573-3111
E-mail Address :
Interests: Genome informatics of protozoan parasites

Top of Address List

Prof. Dr. Gerd D. Burchard,
Head of Department, Tropical Medicine/Infectious Diseases,
University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf,
Bernhard-Nocht-Strasse 74,
D-20359 Hamburg, Germany

Telephone Number : 0049/40/42818391
FAX Number : 00049/42818394
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical

Top of Address List

Dr. Obadiah B. Byanet,
Department of Veterinary Anatomy,
Ahmadu Bello University,
Samaru, Zaria,
Kaduna, Nigeria

Telephone Number : 008022075639
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests : Epidemiology

Top of Address List

MC Carmina Calzado-Flores,
Department of Pharmacology,
IMSS, 2 de Abril y San Luis Potosi,
Col. Independencia,
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64720 México

Telephone Number : 83-444116/83-431251
FAX Number : 83-444116
E-mail Address :
Interests : Pharmacology of Natural Products

Top of Address List

Dr. Benito Carrera,
Laboratorio Estatal de Salud Pública,
Begonias 180, Dalias 78399,
San Luis Potosí, S.L.P. México

Telephone Number : (4) 824-9406
FAX Number : (4) 824-5466
E-mail Address :
Interests : Diagnostics

Top of Address List

Dr. Amanda Castano Gonzalez,
Departamento de Microbiologia y Parasitologia,
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Antioquia,
AA 1226,
Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia

Telephone Number : 57-4-263-3077
FAX Number : 57-4-263-8282
E-mail Address :
Interests : Genetics; Diagnostics

Top of Address List

Dr. Jorge Castro-Garza,
Departamento de Biologia Celular,
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social,
2 de Abril y San Luis Potosi, Col. Independencia,
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64720 México

Telephone Number : 83-444116
FAX Number : 83-444116
E-mail Address :
Interests : Pathogenic Mechanisms; Pathogenic Capacity

Top of Address List

Dr. Roberto Cedillo Rivera,
Unidad de Invest. Medica en Enfermedades Infecc. y Parasit.,
2o Piso, Hospital de Pediatria,
Centro Medico Nacional Siglo XXI, IMSS,
Cuauhtemoc 330, Col. Doctores,
06725 México D.F., México

Telephone Number : 525-627-6940
FAX Number : 525-627-6949
E-mail Address :
Interests : Amebiasis; Giardiasis

Top of Address List

Prof. Kris Chadee,
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases,
University of Calgary,
3330 Hospital Drive NW,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 4N1

Telephone Number : 403-210-3975
FAX Number : 403-270-2772
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology; Biochemistry; Cell Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Bibiana Chávez-Munguía,
Departamento de Infectómica y Patogénesis Molecular,
Ave. IPN No. 2508, Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, Del. GA Madero,
México, DF, México 07360

Telephone Number : (52)-55-5747-3800 ext 5656
FAX Number : (52)-55-5747-3918
E-mail Address :
Interests :

Top of Address List

Dr. Xunjia Cheng,
Department of Parasitology,
Shanghai Medical University,
Shanghai 200032, China

Telephone Number : 86-21-64041900
FAX Number : 86-21-62752106
E-mail Address : or
Interests: Molecular biology; Immunology; Biochemistry; Epidemiology

Top of Address List

Dr. Pyung-Rim Chung,
Department of Parasitology,
Inha University College of Medicine,
#253, Yong-Hyon Dong, Nam-Gu,
Inchon City 402-751,
Republic of Korea

Telephone Number : 032-860-8156
FAX Number : 032-863-1338
E-mail Address :
Interests : Biochemistry; Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. C. Graham Clark,
Department of Pathogen Molecular Biology,
Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
Keppel Street,
London, WC1E 7HT, England, G.B.

Telephone Number : 0207-927-2351
FAX Number : 0207-636-8739
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular Biology; Cultivation; Evolution

Top of Address List

Alida Coppi,
Department of Medical and Molecular Parasitology,
New York University Medical Center,
340 East 25th Street, Rm. 307,
New York, NY 10010, USA

Telephone Number : 212-263-6763
FAX Number : 212-263-8116
E-mail Address :
Interests : Entamoeba invadens, Signal transduction, Galactose-binding lectin, Encystation

Top of Address List

Dr. Pradeep Das
Department of Microbiology,
National Institute of Cholera & Enteric Diseases,
P-33, C.I.T. Road, Scheme XM,
West Bengal 700 010, India

Telephone Number : : +91-33-350-0448/4478/4598/5533/1176
FAX Number : +91-33-350-5066
E-mail Address : or
Interests : Parasite Immunology, Molecular Biology and Protein chemistry

Top of Address List

Dr. Siddhartha Das,
Department of Biological Sciences,
University of Texas at El Paso,
500 West University Avenue,
El Paso, TX 79968-0519, USA

Telephone Number : 915-747-6896
FAX Number : 915-747-5808
E-mail Address :
Interests : Giardia Cell and Molecular Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Eugenio L. de Hostos,
Tropical Disease Research Unit,
University of California, San Francisco,
VAMC 113B,
4150 Clement St.,
San Francisco, CA 94121 USA

Telephone Number : 415-476-1659
FAX Number : 415-750-6947
E-mail address :
Interests : Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton

Top of Address List

Dr. Michael Duchêne,
Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine,
Center for Physiology, Pathophysiology and Immunology,
Medical University of Vienna,
Kinderspitalgasse 15,
A-1090 Wien Austria

Telephone Number : +43-1-40160-38210
FAX Number : +43-1-40160-938293
E-mail Address :
Interests : E. histolytica/E. dispar, Molecular Biology, Chemotherapy, Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. Thomas D. Edlind,
Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
MCP-Hahnemann School of Medicine,
2900 Queen Lane,
Philadelphia, PA 19129 USA

Telephone Number : 215-991-8377
FAX Number : 215-848-2271
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular Parasitology

Top of Address List

Dr. Daniel Eichinger,
Department of Medical and Molecular Parasitology,
New York University School of Medicine,
340 East 25th Street,
New York, NY 10010, USA

Telephone Number : 212-263-8171
FAX Number : 212-263-8116
E-mail Address :
Interests : Encystation; Genome Structure

Top of Address List

Dr. Fernando Enriquez Rincon,
Departamento de Biologia Celular,
Postal 14-740,
México D.F. 07000 México

Telephone Number : 525-754-0200 x5530
FAX Number : 525-754-6065
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. Avelina Espinosa,
Department of Biology,
Roger Williams University,
One Old Ferry Road,
Bristol, RI 02809 USA

Telephone Number : 401-254-3137
FAX Number : 401-254-3310
E-mail Address
Interests : Anaerobic metabolism, especially alcohol dehydrogenses

Top of Address List

Dr. Martha Espinosa Cantellano,
Departamento de Patología Experimental,
Apartado Postal 14-740,
C.P. 07000 México D.F. México

Telephone Number : 525-747-3800 x5660
FAX Number : 525-747-9890
E-mail Address :
Interests : Parasitology; Cell Biology; Immunology

Top of Address List

Aleida C. Eubanks,
Research & Development,
TechLab, Inc.,
1861 Pratt Dr., Ste. 1030,
Blacksburg, VA 24060 USA

Telephone Number: 540-231-4498
FAX Number: 540-231-3942
E-Mail Address:
Interests: Diagnosis, Cultivation, Vaccines

Top of Address List

Dr. Angelos Evangelopoulos,
Department of Entomology, Parasitology and Tropical Diseases,
National School of Public Health,
196 Alexandras Avenue,
Athens 115 21 Greece

Telephone Number : ++30 210 69 25 702
FAX Number : ++30 210 64 62 045
E-mail Address : or
Interests : Parasitology

Top of Address List

Dr. Ma. del Socorro Flores de Castaneda,
Department of Immunology, Facultad de Medicina,
Universidad Autonoma de Neuvo León,
Ave. Gonzalitos 235 Nte.,
Col. Mitras Centro, Monterrey, Nuevo León 64610 México

Telephone Number : 83-331-058
FAX Number : 83-484-668/83-485-981
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical; Non-Clinical; Immunology

Top of Address List

Biol. Elizabeth Franeo Martinez,
Departamento de Biologia Celular,
Apartado Postal 14-740,
México D.F. 07000 México

Telephone Number : 525-754-0200 x5557
FAX Number : 525-586-6290/752-0590
E-mail Address :
Interests : Cell Biology; Immunology; Molecular Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. B.M. Gandhi,
Department of Biotechnology,
Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India,
Block 2, 7th Floor, CGO Complex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003 India

Telephone Number : 436-0984
FAX Number : 011-436-2884/436-3018
E-mail Address :
Interests : Hepatitis and Parasitic Diseases

Top of Address List

Dr. Gabriela García Pérez,
Departamento de Microbiología y Parasitología,
Facultad de Medicina, UNAM,
Ciudad Universitaria,
México D.F. 04360, México

Telephone number : (52) 55- 56232388
Fax number : (52) 55- 56232386
E-Mail Address :
Interests : Molecular Biology; Phylogenics and Evolution

Top of Address List

Dr. Prabir K. Ghosh,
Kothari Medical Centre and Research Institute,
8/3 Alipore Road,
Kolkata 700 027 India

Telephone Number : +91 33 4567050 Ext. 1243
FAX Number : + 91 33 4183087
E-mail Address :
Interests : Animal models; Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. Sudip K. Ghosh,
Department of Biotechnology,
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur,
Kharagpur, India

Telephone Number : +91 3222 283768
FAX Number : +91 3222 278707
E-mail Address :
Interests: Molecular Cell Biology, Epidemiology, Biochemistry

Top of Address List

Dr. Carol A. Gilchrist,
Department of Internal Medicine,
University of Virginia health System,
MR6 Bldg., Room 1707A,
345 Crispell Drive, Box 801365,
Charlottesville, VA 22908   USA

Telephone Number : 434-924-5167
FAX Number : 434-924-0075
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular biology; Regulation

Top of Address List

Dr. Frances D. Gillin,
Department of Pathology,
University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine,
214 Dickinson Street,
San Diego, CA 92103-8416 USA

Telephone Number : 619-543-7831
FAX Number : 619-543-6614
E-mail Address :
Interests : Giardia and Entamoeba Cell and Molecular Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Ma. Teresa Gonzalez Garza y Barron,
Division of Molecular and Cell Biology,
Centro de Investigacion Biomedica del Noreste, IMSS,
2 de Abril y San Luis Potosi, Col. Independencia,
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64720 México

Telephone Number : 83-444116
FAX Number : 83-444116
E-mail Address :
Interests : Cell and Molecular Biology; Antiamoebic Drugs

Top of Address List

Dr. Arturo Gonzáez-Robles ,
Departamento de Infectómica y Patogénesis Molecular,
Ave. IPN No. 2508, Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, Del. GA Madero,
México, DF, México 07360

Telephone Number : (52)-55-5747-3800 ext 3347
FAX Number : (52)-55-5747-3918
E-mail Address :
Interests :

Top of Address List

Dr. Francisco Gonzalez Salazar,
Department of Cellular Biology,
2 de abril 501 Col Independencia,
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64720 México

Telephone Number : 52 81 81904035
FAX Number : 52 81 81904035
E-mail Address :
Interests : E. histolytica immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. Vedat Göral,
Department of Gastroenterology,
Dicle University School of Medicine,
Diyarbakir 21280 Turkey

Telephone Number : 00 90 412 248-8443
FAX Number : 00 90 412 248-8443
E-mail Address :
Interests : H. pylori; Amebiasis; Hepatitis

Top of Address List

Dr. Nancy Guillén,
Unite de Biologie Cellulaire du Parasitisme, INSERM U389,
Institut Pasteur,
28, Rue du Docteur Roux,
75724 Paris Cedex 15 France

Telephone Number : 33-1-45-688675
FAX Number : 33-1-45-688674
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular and Cellular Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Ali Haghighi,
Department of Parasitology and Mycology,
School of Medicine,
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services,
Tabnak Avenue, Chamran Expressway,
Eveen, Tehran 19395-4719, Iran

Telephone Number : + 98 21 23872564
FAX Number : + 98 21 22439962
E-mail Address :
Interests : Differentiation of E. histolytica and E. dispar

Top of Address List

Prof. Neil Hall,
School of Biological Sciences,
Biosciences Building,
University of Liverpool,
Liverpool L69 7ZB, UK

Telephone Number : +44 (0)151 7954516
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests : Genomes

Top of Address List

Dr. Rashidul Haque,
Laboratory Sciences Division,
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research,
GPO Box 128,
Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh

Telephone Number : 880-2-600171-78 x2422
FAX Number : 880-2-883116
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical; Non-Clinical; Immunology; Epidemiology

Top of Address List

Omar Harb,
Scientific Outreach Manager,
EuPathDB - Eukaryotic Pathogen Genome Database Resources,
Penn Center for Bioinformatics,
University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6021 USA

Telephone Number : +1-215-746-7019
FAX Number : +1-215-573-3111
E-mail Address :
Interests: Genome informatics of protozoan parasites

Top of Address List

Rene Hernández Várgas,
Bioquímica de Proteinas,
Instituto de Biotecnología,
UNAM, Aptdo. Postal 510-3,
Cuernavaca 62271, Morelos México

Telephone Number : 73-172799/175687 x233
FAX Number : 5273-172388
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular Biology; Biochemistry

Top of Address List

Dr. Sung-Tae Hong,
Department of Parasitology,
Seoul National University College of Medicine,
28 Yongon-Dong, Chongno-Gu,
Seoul 110-799 Republic of Korea

Telephone Number : 822-740-8343/760-3317
FAX Number : 822-765-6142
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular Diagnostics

Top of Address List

Dr. Hossein Hooshyar,
Department of Parasitology & Mycology,
School of Medicine,
Kashan University of Medical Sciences,
Kashan, Iran

Telephone Number : +98361-5550021-6
FAX Number : +98361-5551112
E-mail Address : or
Interests : Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar differential diagnosis

Top of Address List

Dr. Rabia Hussain,
Department of Microbiology,
The Aga Khan University,
Stadium Road, PO Box 3500,
Karachi 74800 Pakistan

Telephone Number : 92-21-493-0051-65 x2145/2149
FAX Number : 92-21-493-4294
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. Christopher D. Huston, MD,
Division of Infectious Diseases,
University of Vermont College of Medicine,
Rm 320 Stafford Hall,
95 Carrigan Drive,
Burlington, VT 05405 USA

Telephone Number : 802-656-1388 or 802-656-9115 (Lab)
FAX Number : 802-847-5322
E-mail Address
Interests : Cell killing and phagocytosis

Top of Address List

Dr. Kyung-il Im,
Department of Parasitology, Institute of Tropical Medicine,
Yonsei University College of Medicine,
Sinchon-dong 134, Saedaemun-Gu,
Seoul 120-752 Republic of Korea

Telephone Number : 02-361-5294
FAX Number : 02-363-8676
E-mail Address :
Interests : Pathogenicity; Immunogenetics

Top of Address List

Dr. Armando Isibasi Araujo,
Unidad de Investigacion Medica en Inmunoquímica,
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social,
Cuauhtemoc, 33, AP 73-032,
México D.F. 03020 México

Telephone Number : 627-6915/627-6900 x1178
FAX Number : 627-6915
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. Chen Jin-fu,
Department of Parasitology,
Fujian Medical College,
Jiaotong Road,
Fuzhou, Fujian Province 350004 Peoples Republic of China

Telephone Number : 3357237/3340270
FAX Number : 3351345
E-mail Address :
Interests : Cell Biology; Medical Protozoology

Top of Address List

Dr. Kevin C. Kain,
Department of Medicine,
University of Toronto,
1, King's College Circle,
Toronto, Ont. Canada M5S 1A8

Telephone Number : 416-340-3535
FAX Number : 416-978-0311
E-mail Address :
Interests : Lectin

Top of Address List

Amha Kebede,
Department of Infectious Diseases,
Ethiopian Health & Nutrition Research Institute,
P.O.Box: 1242,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Telephone Number : (251)-1-130642/753330
FAX Number : (251)-1-756329
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology & molecular biology, particularly in amoebiasis

Top of Address List

Dr. Jay S. Keystone,
Tropical Disease Unit,
Department of Medicine,
The Toronto Hospital,
200 Elizabeth Street, ENG-214,
Toronto, Canada M5G 2C4

Telephone Number : 416-340-3671
FAX Number : 416-595-5826
E-mail Address :
Interests : Non-pathogenic protozoa

Top of Address List

Dr. Krishna Khairnar,
Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (OAHPP),
Toronto Public Health Laboratories,
81 Resources Road ,
Etobicoke, Ontario, M9P 3T1 Canada

Telephone number : 6473428774
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests :

Top of Address List

Dr. Hyder A Khoja,
Department of Internal Medicine,
Texas Tech University-Health Science Center,
Lubbock, TX 79430, USA

Telephone number : 806-743-3155 Ext 280
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests : Luminal host-defense mechanisms

Top of Address List

Dr. Seiki Kobayashi,
Department of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology,
School of Medicine, Keio University,
35, Shinano-machi, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo 160 Japan

Telephone Number : 03-3353-1211 x2667
FAX Number : 03-3353-5958
E-mail Address :
Interests : Cultivation

Top of Address List

Dr. Tineke Lauwaet,
Department of Pathology,
Division of Infectious Diseases,
University of California San Diego,
214 Dickinson St, CTF-C,
San Diego CA 92103-8416, USA

Telephone Number : 619-543-7825
FAX Number : 619-543-6614
E-mail Address :
Interests : Giardia and Entamoeba cell biology, differentiation, host-parasite interactions

Top of Address List

Prof. Dr. Matthias Leippe,
Zoologisches Institut der Universität Kiel,
24098 Kiel Germany

Telephone Number : ++49-431-880-4196
FAX Number : ++49-431-880-4197
E-mail Address :
Interests : Cell Biology; Molecular Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Byron Leiva Torres,
Departament of Microbiology and Parasitology,
Faculty of Medicine,
National Autonomous University of Nicaragua - Leon,
Leon, Nicaragua

Telephone Number : 505-311-3722
FAX Number : 505-311-2947
E-mail Address :
Interests : Epidemiology and diagnosis of amoebiasis

Top of Address List

Dr. Ancy Leroy,
Laboratory Experimental Cancerology,
University Hospital Gent,
De Pintelaan 185 1P7,
B-9000 Gent Belgium

Telephone Number : 32-9-240 30 63
FAX Number : 32-9 -240 49 91
E-mail Address :
Interests : Invasion; Host cell interaction; Bacterial interaction; Signal transduction

Top of Address List

Dr. Oscar Leyva Lopez,
Unidad de Medicina Experimental,
Facultad de Medicina,
CD. Universitaria,
México D.F. 04510 México

Telephone Number : 525-548-5744/623-2368
FAX Number : 525-548-5744
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology; Genetics

Top of Address List

Dr. Lim Boon Huat,
School of Health Science,
Health Campus,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
16150 Kubang Kerian,
Kelantan, Malaysia.

Telephone Number : 6097677619
E-mail Address :
Interests : Diagnosis of ALA and intestinal amoebiasis; Point of care molecular diagnostics

Top of Address List

Dr. Jian-Yin Lin,
Institute of Parasitology,
McGill University, McDonald College Campus,
21,111 Lakeshore Road,
Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H9X 3V9

Telephone Number : 514-398-7997
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology; Genetics

Top of Address List

Dr. Ewert Linder,
Department of Parasitology,
Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control,
Lundagatan 2,
S-105 21 Stockholm Sweden

Telephone Number : 46-87351470
FAX Number : 46-87351337/1162
E-mail Address :
Interests : Diagnostics; Cell Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Chrissostomos Lioutas,
Department of Molecular Biology,
Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine,
Bernhard Nocht Strasse 74,
D-20359 Hamburg Germany

Telephone Number : 49-40-31182-473
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests : Genetics

Top of Address List

Dr. Anuradha Lohia,
Department of Biochemistry,
Bose Institute,
P1/12 C.I.T. Scheme VIIM,
Calcutta 700 054, W. Bengal India

Telephone Number : 91-33-3379544/91-33-3379416
FAX Number : 91-33-334-3886/91-33-220-2260
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular Biology; Cell Cycle; Signal Transduction; Diagnostics

Top of Address List

Dr. Martha Lopez-Osuna,
Laboratorio de Inmunoinfectologia,
Postal 73-032,
CP 03020 México D.F. México

Telephone Number : 525-627-6943
FAX Number : 525-761-0952
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunbiology; Immunoparasitology

Top of Address List

Dr. Ruben Lopez-Revilla,
Departamento de Biologia Celular,
Apartado Postal 14-740,
07000 México D.F. México

Telephone Number : 52-(55) 5747-3800 x 5571
FAX Number : 52-(55) 5747-7081
E-mail Address :
Interests : Pathogenicity and immunity of intestinal infections, esp. amebiasis

Top of Address List

Dr. Hanna Lotter,
Department of Molecular Biology,
Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine,
Bernhard Nocht Strasse 75,
D-20359 Hamburg Germany

Telephone Number : 49-40-31182-485
FAX Number : 49-40-31182-512
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular Biology; Vaccination

Top of Address List

Dr. David M. Lyerly,
TechLab, Inc.,
1861 Pratt Dr., Ste. 1030,
Blacksburg, VA 24060 USA

Telephone Number: 540-231-3943
FAX Number: 540-231-3942
E-Mail Address:
Interests: Antigen Detection, Serdiagnosis, Vaccines

Top of Address List

Dr. R.C. Mahajan,
Department of Parasitology,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,
Chandigarh 160012 India

Telephone Number : 541032-38 x290
FAX Number : 0172-540401
E-mail Address :
Interests : Parasitology

Top of Address List

Professor Ahmed A. Mahfouz,
Epidemiology Department,
Higher Institute of Public Health, Alexandria University,
165 El-Horreya Avenue,
Alexandria, Egypt

Telephone Number : ++203 4215499
FAX Number : ++203 421 8436
E-mail Address :
Interests : Epidemiology

Top of Address List

Dr. Asao Makioka,
Department of Tropical Medicine,
Jikei University School of Medicine,
3-25-8 Nishi-shinbashi, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 105-8461, Japan

Telephone Number : 81-3-3433-1111 ext.2286
FAX Number : 81-3-3431-4459
E-mail Address:
Interests : Cell Biology; Molecular Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Barbara J. Mann,
Dept. of Medicine,
Division of Infectious Diseases,
University of Virginia Health Systems,
MR6 Bldg., Room 1715A,
345 Crispell Drive, Box 801340,
Charlottesville, VA 22908   USA

Telephone Number : 434-924-9666
FAX Number : 434-924-0075
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular Biology; Vaccines; Cell Signalling

Top of Address List

Dr. Laurence Marchat,
Posgrado en Biomedicina Molecular,
Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Escuela Nacional de Medicina y Homeopatía,
Guillermo Massieu Helguera 239, Fracc. La Escalera, Ticoman,
México, DF 07320   México

Telephone Number : (52-55) 5729 6300 ext 55543
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests : Biochemistry; Molecular and Cell Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Hector Marquez-Monter,
Departmento de Medicina Experimental,
Facultad de Medicina, UNAM,
Bajio 203-204,
México D.F. 06760 México

Telephone Number : 574-9633
FAX Number : 548-5744
E-mail Address :
Interests : Genetics

Top of Address List

Dra. Ma. del Carmen Martinez Garcia,
Unidad de Epidemiologia Clinica,
Hospital de Pediatria, Centro Medico Nacional Siglo XXI,
Cuauhtemoc 330, Col. Doctores,
06725 México D.F. México

Telephone Number : 5-627-6964
FAX Number : 5-761-0952
E-mail Address :
Interests : Amebiasis

Top of Address List

Dr. Adolfo Martínez-Palomo ,
Departamento de Infectómica y Patogénesis Molecular,
Ave. IPN No. 2508, Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, Del. GA Madero,
México, DF, México 07360

Telephone Number : (52)-55-5747-3800 ext 5600
FAX Number : (52)-55-5747-3918
E-mail Address :
Interests :

Top of Address List

Dr. Benito David Mata Cárdenas,
Departamento de Biología Celular,
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social,
2 de Abril y San Luis Potosi, Col. Independencia,
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64720 México

Telephone Number : 581-904036
FAX Number : 581-904036
E-mail Address :
Interests : Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Metabolism

Top of Address List

Dr. James H. McKerrow,
Department of Pathology,
University of California, San Fransisco, UCSF/VAMC,
4150 Clement Street, 113 B,
San Francisco, CA 94117 USA

Telephone Number : 415-476-2940
FAX Number : 415-750-6947/415-502-2611
E-mail Address :
Interests : Proteases

Top of Address List

Dr. Emma I. Melendro Lozano,
Unidad de Medicina Experimental,
Facultad de Medicina,
México D.F. 04510 México

Telephone Number : 525-548-5744/645-1507
FAX Number : 525-548-5744
E-mail Address :
Interests :

Top of Address List

Dr. Stan Metzenberg,
Biology Department,
State University, Northridge,
18111 Nordhoff Street,
Northridge, CA 91330-8303 USA

Telephone Number : 818-677-3335
FAX Number : 818-885-2034
E-mail Address :
Interests : Non-clinical; Molecular Biology; Genetics

Top of Address List

Dr. Isaura Meza,
Departamento de Biologia Celular,
Postal 14-740,
México D.F. 07000 México

Telephone Number : 525-747-7000 x5583
FAX Number : 525-747-7081
E-mail Address :
Interests : Non-Clinical; Cell and Molecular Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Duk-Young Min,
Department of Parasitology,
Hanyang University Medical College,
17 Haengdang Dong, Seongdong Ku,
Seoul 133-1791 Republic of Korea

Telephone Number : 02-290-0681
FAX Number : 02-292-7737
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical; Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. David Mirelman,
Departments of Membrane Research and Biophysics,
The Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot 76100 Israel

Telephone Number : +972-8-934-4511
FAX Number : +972-8-946-8256
E-mail Address :
Interests : General

Top of Address List

Dr. Irmgard Montfort Happel,
Departamento de Medicina Experimental,
Facultad de Medicina,
Ciudad Universitaria,
México D.F. 04510 México

Telephone Number : 525-636-2368
FAX Number : 525-616-0844
E-mail Address :
Interests : Pathogenesis

Top of Address List

Dr. Martha Nelly Montoya Palacio,
Departamento de Microbiologia y Parasitologia,
Facultad de Medicina,
Universidad de Antioquia,
AA 1226,
Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia

Telephone Number : 57-4-263-3077
FAX Number : 57-4-263-8282
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. Mario R. Morales Vallarta,
Department of Cell Biology and Genetics,
Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas,
Univ. Autonoma de Nuevo León,
Ciudad Universitaria,
San Nicolas De Los Garza, Nuevo León 64000 México

Telephone Number : 8-357-4336/8-376-3923
FAX Number : 8-352-4245
E-mail Address :
Interests : Encystation and Excystation

Top of Address List

Dr. Patricia Moran Silva,
Unidad de Medicina Experimental,
Facultad de Medicina,
México D.F. 04510 México

Telephone Number : 525-548-5744/768-4509
FAX Number : 525-548-5744
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology; Genetics

Top of Address List

Dr. Linda E. Muñoz Espinosa,
Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine,
Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León,
Gonzalitos 235,
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64460 México

Telephone Number : 528-348-3080/348-5080 x174
FAX Number : 528-333-3133
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical; Gastroenterology; Immunology; Epidemiology

Top of Address List

Dr. Onofre Muñoz Hernandez,
Direccion de Prestaciones Medicas,
4o. Piso, Edificio B, Unidad de Congresos,
Centro Medico Nacional Siglo XXI,
Cuauhtemoc 330, Col. Doctores,
06725 México D.F. México

Telephone Number : 525-627-6968
FAX Number : 761-0952
E-mail Address :
Interests : Epidemiology; Clinical Microbiology

Top of Address List

Dr. Przemyslaw Myjak,
Department of Tropical Parasitology,
Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine,
9 b Powstania Styczniowego,
81-519 Gdynia Poland

Telephone Number : ++48-58-622-30-11 x247
FAX Number : ++48-58-622-33-54
E-mail Address :
Interests : Serology; Diagnosis; Molecular Biology; Culture

Top of Address List

Dr. Oscar Alberto Newton Sánchez,
Departament of Teaching and Research,
Hospital del Niño Morelense,
Calle Gustavo Gómez Azcarate No. 205,
Col. Lomas de la Selva,
62270 Morelos, México

Telephone Number : 5273-11-38-02, 5273-11-38-03
FAX Number : 5273-11-11-50, 5273-11-11-78
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular Biology; Epidemiology

Top of Address List

Dr. Vladimir F. Niculescu,
Retired senior researcher,
Kirschenweg 1,
D-86420 Bayern,

Telephone Number: 0049-8238-4346
FAX Number: 0049-8238-4364
E-mail Address :;
Interests : Cell biology, development, differentiation
Profile and publications : ResearchGate

Top of Address List

Dr. Oscar Luis Novas,
Chief, Gastroenterology Service,
Bernardino Rivadavia Hospital,
Gelly 3424,
Capital Federal, Buenos Aires 1425 Argentina

Telephone Number : (54-1) 801-4562
FAX Number : (54-1) 801-4562
E-Mail Address:
Interests : General; Clinical; Surgery

Top of Address List

Dr. Tomoyoshi Nozaki,
Department of Parasitology,
National Institute of Infectious Diseases,
1-23-1 Toyama,machi, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo 162-8640 Japan

Telephone Number : +81 3 5285 1111 ext. 2600
FAX Number : +81 3 5285 1219 or 1173
E-Mail Address:
Interests :

Top of Address List

Maria José C. Oliveira,
Department of Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine and Experimental Cancerology,
Laboratory of Experimental Cancerology,
University Hospital of Gent,
De Pintelaan 185,
Gent 9000, Belgium

Telephone Number : 0032 9 2403063
FAX Number : 0032 9 2404991
E-mail Address :
Interests : Entamoeba and Cancer Cell Invasion

Top of Address List

Dr. Raul N. Ondarza,
Center of Research on Infectious Diseases, INSP,
Av. Universidad 655,
Cuernavaca, Morelos 62508 México

Telephone Number : (52)73-110-111 Ext. 2330
FAX Number : (52)73-175-485
E-mail Address : or
Interests : Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Esther Orozco,
Departamento de Infectómica y Patogénesis Molecular,
Ave. IPN No. 2508, Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, Del. GA Madero,
México, DF, México 07360

Telephone Number : (52)-55-5747-3800 ext 5641
FAX Number : (52)-55-5747-3918
E-mail Address :

Top of Address List

Dr. Librado Ortíz-Ortíz,
Departament of Inmunologia,
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas, UNAM,
Ciudad Universitaria, Aptdo. Postal 70228,
CP 04510, México D.F. México

Telephone Number : 525-550-6447
FAX Number : 525-550-0048
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology

Top of Address List

Professor Subash Chandra Parija,
Department of Microbiology,
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Research & Education,
Pondicherry 605006, India

Telephone Number : ++91-413-372380-89 X265
FAX Number : ++91-413-372735
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunodiagnosis of Parasitic Infections

Top of Address List

Dr. Noris Pavia Ruz,
Laboratorio de Inmuniquimica y Biologia Celular,
Hospital Infantil de México "Federic Gomez",
Dr. Marquez 162,
06720 México D.F. México

Telephone Number :
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests :

Top of Address List

Dr. Ruy Pérez Tamayo,
Departamento de Medicina Experimental,
Facultad de Medicina,
Aptdo Postal 70-641,
México D.F. 04510 México

Telephone Number : 525-623-2122
FAX Number : 525-616-0844
E-mail Address :
Interests : Pathology; Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. Ruy Pérez-Montfort,
Departamento de Microbiologia,
Instituto de Fisiologia Celular,
Ciudad Universitaria, Apartado Postal 70-242,
México D.F. 04510 México

Telephone Number : 525-622-5657
FAX Number : 525-622-5630
E-mail Address :
Interests : Protist Enzymes

Top of Address List

Dr. William A. Petri, Jr.,
Department of Medicine,
University of Virginia Health System,
MR6 Bldg., Room 1709A,
345 Crispell Drive, Box 801340,
Charlottesville, VA 22908   USA

Telephone Number : 434-924-5621
FAX Number : 434-924-0075
E-mail Address :
Interests : Cell Biology of Entamoeba

Top of Address List

Dr. Dylan C. Pillai,
Department of Medicine,
University of Toronto,
1, King's College Circle,
Toronto, Ont. Canada M5S 1A8

Telephone Number : 416-978-0311
FAX Number : 416-595-5826
E-mail Address :
Interests : Lectin

Top of Address List

Dr. Ramasare Prasads,
Department of Biotechnology,
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,
Roorkee, Uttaranchal 247667, India.

Telephone Number : 01332-285791
FAX Number : 01332-273560
E-mail Address :
Interests : Drug resistance, proteomics

Top of Address List

Dr. Manuel Ramiro Hernandez,
Hospital Regional 1ro. de Octubre ISSSTE,
Av. Politecnico Nacional #1669 Col. Lindavista,
México, D.F. 07720 México

Telephone Number : 525-586-9167/673-2788
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests :

Top of Address List

Dr. Fernando Ramos Reyes,
Departamento de Microbiología y Parasitología,
Facultad de Medicina,
CD. Universitaria,
México D.F. 04360, México

Telephone Number : (52) 55- 56232388
FAX Number : (52) 55- 56232386
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular Biology; Phylogenetics and Evolution

Top of Address List

Dr. Antonio Rangel Caceres,
Unidad de Inmunologia,
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de los Andes,
Apartado Postal 566,
Merida 5101, Merida Venezuela

Telephone Number : 074-636-227
FAX Number : 074-403-212
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical; Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. Jonathan I. Ravdin,
Medical College of Wisconsin,
8701 Watertown Plank Road,
Milwaukee, WI 53226 USA

Telephone Number : 414-955-8213
FAX Number : 414-955-6560
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology; Vaccine Development

Top of Address List

Dr. Saumya Ray Chaudhari,
Molecular Biology Division,
Institute of Microbial Technology,
Sec 39A Chandigarh,
Chandigarh 160036 India

Telephone Number :
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular and cell biology of Entamoeba histolytica

Dr. Sharon L. Reed,
Department of Infectious Diseases,
UCSD Medical Center,
200, West Arbor Drive,
San Diego, CA 92103-8416 USA

Telephone Number : 619-543-6146
FAX Number : 619-543-6614
E-mail Address :
Interests : Pathogenesis; Proteinases as Virulence Factors

Top of Address List

Dr. Marcos Restrepo,
Departamento de Parasitologia,
Colombian Institute of Tropical Medicine,
PO Box 52162,
Medellin Colombia

Telephone Number : 4415308
FAX Number : 57-4-4415514
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical

Top of Address List

Dra. Guadalupe Reyes Cruz,
Departamento de Biologia Celular,
Postal 14-740,
México D.F. 07000 México

Telephone Number : 525-55-747-3989
FAX Number : 525-55-747-7081
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical; Non-Clinical; Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. Marie Christine Rigothier,
Departement de Parasitologie,
Faculte de Pharmacie, Université de Paris XI,
Rue J.B. Clement,
F-92290 Ch’tenay-Malabry Cedex France

Telephone Number : 46-83-55-54
FAX Number : 46-83-55-57
E-mail Address :
Interests : Entamoeba histolytica

Top of Address List

Dr. Windell L. Rivera,
Institute of Biology,
College of Science,
University of the Philippines,
Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines

Telephone Number : 63-2-920-5471
FAX Number : 63-2-920-5471
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular and Cellular Protozoology

Top of Address List

Dr. Pablo Robles Vergara,
Departamento de Medicina Interna,
Universidad de Antioquia,
AA 1226,
Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia

Telephone Number : 57-4-234-5109
FAX Number : 57-4-263-8282
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical; Epidemiology

Top of Address List

Dr. Mario Alberto Rodríguez-Rodríguez,
Departamento de Infectómica y Patogénesis Molecular,
Ave. IPN No. 2508, Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, Del. GA Madero,
México, DF, México 07360

Telephone Number : (52)-55-5747-3800 ext 5653
FAX Number : (52)-55-5747-3918
E-mail Address :

Top of Address List

Dr. Jose Luis Romero Zamora,
Departamento de Infectolgia,
Hospital Infantil de México "Federic Gomez",
Dr. Marquez 162,
06720 México D.F. México

Telephone Number :
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests :

Top of Address List

Prof. David S. Roos,
Department of Biology,
University of Pennsylvania,
433 South University Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6018 USA

Telephone Number : +1-215-898-2118
FAX Number : +1-215-898-1874
E-mail Address :
Interests: Cell biology, molecular genetics, and genomics of protozoan parasites

Top of Address List

Dr. José Luis Rosales-Encina,
Departamento de Infectómica y Patogénesis Molecular,
Ave. IPN No. 2508, Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, Del. GA Madero,
México, DF, México 07360

Telephone Number : (52)-55-5747-3800 ext 3349
FAX Number : (52)-55-5747-3918
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology; Biochemistry; Molecular Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Guillermo M. Ruiz Palacios,
Departamento de Infectologia,
Instituto de la Nutricion "Salvador Zubiran",
Vasco de Quiroga 15,
Col. Tlalpan, 14000 México D.F. México

Telephone Number : 525-655-9675
FAX Number : 525-655-1076
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical; Epidemiology

Top of Address List

Dr. Salvador Said-Fernandez,
Centro de Investigacion Biomedica del Noreste,
IMSS, Administracion de Correos No. 4,
Ave. 2 de Abril y San Luis Potosi S/N,
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64720 México

Telephone Number : 528-344-4116
FAX Number : 528-344-4116
E-mail Address :
Interests : Virulence Factors; Axenic Encystment; Antiamebic Drugs

Top of Address List

Professor John C. Samuelson,
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology,
Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine,
715 Albany St, Evans 426,
Boston, MA 02118 USA

Telephone Number : 617-414-1054
FAX Number : 617-414-1041
E-mail Address :
Interests : Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Diagnosis

Top of Address List

Dra. Ma. del Carmen Sanchez Guillén,
Centro de Investigacion Biomedica de Oriente,
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social,
2do Piso al Sur, 2 Norte #2004 Centro,
72570 Puebla, Puebla México

Telephone Number : 22-424-520 x358
FAX Number : 22-460-057
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunoparasitology

Top of Address List

Profesora Blanca Estela Sánchez Ramírez,
Laboratorio de Inmunología, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas,
Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua,
Ciudad Universitaria, Col. Altavista,
Chihuahua 31240 México

Telephone Number : 14-131-828 x118
FAX Number : 14-137-462
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunoparasitology

Top of Address List

Dr. Rosana Sanchez-Lopez,
Departament of Molecular Recognition and Biostructure,
Instituto de Biotecnologia, UNAM,
Aptdo. Postal 510-3,
Cuernavaca 62210, Morelos México

Telephone Number : 527-311-4900
FAX Number : 527-317-2388
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular and Cellular Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Jose Ignacio Santos Preciado,
Departamento de Infectolgia,
Hospital Infantil de México "Federic Gomez",
Dr. Marquez 162,
06720 México D.F. México

Telephone Number :
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests :

Top of Address List

Dr. Massimo Scaglia,
Laboratory of Clinical Parasitology,
Institute of Infectious Diseases,
Viale Taramelli, 5,
Pavia 27100 Italy

Telephone Number : 382-422-030/422-031
FAX Number : 382-423-320
E-mail Address :
Interests : Medical Parasitology

Top of Address List

Dr. Henning Scholze,
Fachbereich Biologie/Chemie,
Universitat Osnabrück,
Barbarastrasse 13,
D-49069 Osnabrück Germany

Telephone Number : 49541-969-3423
FAX Number : 49541-969-2884
E-mail Address :
Interests : Biochemistry of Parasitic Protozoa

Top of Address List

Dr. Rakesh Sehgal,
Department of Parasitology,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,
Chandigarh 160012 India

Telephone Number : 54103239 x290
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests :

Top of Address List

Dr. José de Jesús Serrano Luna,
Department of Cell Biology,
Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN,
Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional # 2508,
Colonia San Pedro Zacatenco,
México D.F. 07360, México

Telephone Number : (5) 7-47-38-00 or (5) 747-70-00 Ext 5575
FAX Number : (5) 5-86-62-90 or (5) 7-52-05-90
E-mail Address :
Interests : Entamoeba histolytica and Free Live Amebas

Top of Address List

Dr. M. P. Sharma,
Department of Gastroenterology,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Ansari Nagar,
New Delhi 110 029 India

Telephone Number : 661123 x350/649-2709
FAX Number : 91-011-686-2663
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical

Top of Address List

Dr. Mineko Shibayama,
Departamento de Infectómica y Patogénesis Molecular,
Ave. IPN No. 2508, Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, Del. GA Madero,
México, DF, México 07360

Telephone Number : (52)-55-5747-3800 ext 3348
FAX Number : (52)-55-5747-3918
E-mail Address :
Interests : Pathology

Top of Address List

Divyendu Singh,
Department of Gastroenterology,
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences,
Raebareli Road,
226 014, India

Telephone Number : +91-522-440004 to 440008 Ext. 2427
FAX Number : +91-522-440017/440973
E-mail Address :
Interests : Apoptosis, Immunology, and Molecular Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Sarman Singh,
Clinical Microbiology Division,
Department of Laboratory Medicine,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi 110029 India

Telephone Number : 91-11-2658-8484/ 2659-4977
FAX Number : 91-11-2658-8663/ 2658-8641
E-mail Address : or
Interests : Clinical; Immunology; Epidemiology; Genetics

Top of Address List

Dr. Upinder Singh,
Stanford University School of Medicine,
S-143 Grant Building,
300 Pasteur Drive,
Stanford, CA 94305-5107 USA

Telephone Number : 650-723-4045
FAX Number : 650-724-3892
E-mail Address :
Interests : Pathogenesis

Top of Address List

Shweta Srivastava,
School of Environmental Sciences,
Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi 110 067, India

Telephone Number : 091-011-6107676 ext 2308/2516
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests : Epidemeiology and molecular biology of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar

Top of Address List

Dr. Chin Thack Soh,
Department of Parasitology,
Wonkwang University Medical College,
344-2 Sinyong-dong,
Iksan City, Jeonrabug-do 570-749 Republic of Korea

Telephone Number : 0653-50-6768
FAX Number : 0653-50-6752
E-mail Address :
Interests : E. histolytica Pathogenicity and Virulence

Top of Address List

Shahram Solaymani-Mohammadi,
Medical Parasitology & Mycology,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Enghelab Avenue,
Tehran 6446-14155, Iran

Telephone Number : 98 21 611 29 02
FAX Number : 646 22 67
E-mail Address : or
Interests: Entamoeba histolytica molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis

Top of Address List

Professor Francisco J. Solis,
Laboratorio de Biología Celular, Facultad de Medicina,
Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua,
Ave. Colón 1003, Colonia Obrera,
Chihuahua 31150 México

Telephone Number : 52-14-157-315
FAX Number : 52-14-152-543
E-mail Address :
Interests : Cell Biology of E. histolytica

Top of Address List

Prof. Samuel L. Stanley, Jr.,
The Office of the President
310 Administration Building
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York 11794-0701 , USA

Telephone Number: (631) 632-6267
FAX Number: (631) 632-6621
E-mail Address :
Interests : Vaccines; Immunology; Pathogenesis

Top of Address List

Dr. P. V. Subba Rao,
Department of Biochemistry,
Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore 560 012, Karnataka India

Telephone Number : 91-80-334-5115/309-2235
FAX Number : 91-80-334-5115
E-mail Address :
Interests : Allergy; Immunodiagnostics

Top of Address List

Dr. Hiroshi Tachibana,
Department of Infectious Diseases,
Tokai University School of Medicine,
Isehara, Kanagawa 259-11 Japan

Telephone Number : 0463-93-1121
FAX Number : 0463-95-5450
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular Biology; Immunology; Epidemiology

Top of Address List

Dr. Tsutomu Takeuchi,
Department of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology,
School of Medicine, Keio University,
35, Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo 160 Japan

Telephone Number : 03-3353-1211 x2666
FAX Number : 03-3353-5958
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical; Biochemistry; Drugs; Epidemiology

Top of Address List

Dr. Patricia Talamas Rohana,
Departamento de Infectómica y Patogénesis Molecular,
Apartado Postal 14-740,
C.P. 07000 México D.F. México

Telephone Number : (52)-55-5747-3351
FAX Number : (52)-55-5747-9890
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology; Cell Biology (actin cytoskeleton, signaling)

Top of Address List

Dr. Manami Tanaka,
The National Institute of Bioscience and Human Technology,
Agency of Industrial Science and Technology,
Ministry of International Trade and Industry,
Higashi, Tsukuba Science City, Ibaraki 305-8566,
Telephone Number : 81-298-54-6503
FAX Number : 81-298-54-6503
E-mail Address :
Interests : Molecular Genetics

Top of Address List

Dr. B.N. Tandon,
P.S. Research Institute for Liver, Renal & Digestive Diseases,
M-52, Greater Kailash-II,
New Delhi 110048 India

Telephone Number : 91-11-648-0548/644-0383
FAX Number : 91-11-644-4169/647-3018
E-mail Address : DELAAA53@@GIASDL01.VSNL.NET.IN
Interests : Hepatology; Gastroenterology; Nutrition

Top of Address List

Dr. Egbert Tannich,
Department of Molecular Biology,
Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine,
Bernhard Nocht Strasse 74,
D-20359 Hamburg Germany

Telephone Number : 49-40-42818-477
FAX Number : 49-40-42818-512
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical; Molecular Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Lesly Temesvari,
Department of Biological Sciences,
132 Long Hall,
Clemson University,
Clemson, SC 29634 USA

Telephone Number : 864-656-6387
FAX Number : 864-656-0435
E-mail Address :
Interests : Cell Biology of Entamoeba; Membrane and protein trafficking in Entamoeba

Top of Address List

Dr. Nitaya Thammapalerd,
Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University,
420/6 Rajvithi Road,
Bangkok 10400 Thailand

Telephone Number : 66-2-246-0056 x591/592
FAX Number : 66-2-246-8340 or 66-2-248-3189
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology; Molecular Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Jorge Tovar,
Division of Biochemistry,
School of Biological Sciences,
Royal Holloway, University of London,
Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, U.K.

Telephone Number : +44-(0)1784-414 159
FAX Number : +44-(0)1784-434 326
E-mail Address :
Interests : Biochemistry; Molecular and Cell Biology

Top of Address List

Dr. Victor Tsutsumi,
Departamento de Infectómica y Patogénesis Molecular,
Ave. IPN No. 2508, Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, Del. GA Madero,
México, DF, México 07360

Telephone Number : (52)-55-5747-3800 ext 5627
FAX Number : (52)-55-5747-3918
E-mail Address :
Interests : Experimental Pathology

Top of Address List

Dr. Haydee Urdaneta Romero,
Laboratorio de Inmunoparasitologia,
Instituto de Inmunologia Clinica, Universidad de los Andes,
Edificio Louis Pasteur, Hospital de la ULA,
Apartado 566, Merida 5101 Venezuela

Telephone Number : 58-074-403-199
FAX Number : 58-074-403-212
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunoparasitology

Top of Address List

Dr. Easwaran P. Variyam,
Division of Gastroenterology,
University of Texas Medical Branch,
301 University Boulevard,
Galveston, TX 77555 - 0764, USA

Telephone Number :
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests : Ameba-Bacteria Interactions; Commensalism; Natural History of Disease

Top of Address List

Jose Vazquez Prado,
Departamento de Biologia Celular,
Postal 14-740,
México D.F. 07000 México

Telephone Number : 525-752-0677 x5557
FAX Number : 525-754-6065
E-mail Address :
Interests : Cell Biology; Genetics

Top of Address List

Dr. Jaco J. Verweij,
Laboratory for Medical Microbiology and Immunology,
Laboratory for Clinical Pathology,
St. Elisabeth Hospital,
Tilburg, The Netherlands

Telephone Number :
FAX Number :
E-mail Address :
Interests : Diagnostics

Top of Address List

Dr. Julio César Villagómez-Castro,
Departamento de Biología,
División de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas,
Universidad de Guanajuato, campus Guanajuato,
Noria Alta s/n, Col. Noria Alta,
Guanajuato, Gto. 36050, México

Telephone Number : 52-473-73-20006-8156
FAX Number : 52-473-73-20006-8153
E-mail Address :
Interests : Glycobiology, Cell biology, Diferentiation

Top of Address List

Dr. V.K. Vinayak,
Department of Biotechnology,
Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India,
Block 2 (7-8 Floor), C.G.O. Complex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003 India

Telephone Number : 436-0718/436-3012
FAX Number : 011-362884
E-mail Address :
Interests : Immunology; Genetics

Top of Address List

Dr. Harpreet Vohra,
Department of Experimental Medicine and Biotechnology,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,
Sector 12,
Chandigarh 160012 India

Telephone Number : 0091-172-540-403
FAX Number : 0091-172-540-403/401
E-mail Address :
Interests : Parasite Immunology

Top of Address List

Dr. Brigitte Walderich,
ARTEMIS Pharmaceuticals GmbH,
Tübingen 72076, Germany

Telephone Number : ++49-7071-601869
FAX Number : ++49-07071-601868
E-mail Address :
Interests : Cyst stage of E.histolytica and E.dispar; Blastocystis

Top of Address List

Dr. Cecilia Ximenez Garcia,
Depto. de Medicina Experimental,
Facultad de Medicina,
Hospital General de México de la S.S,
Dr. Valmis 148, Col. Doctores,
C.P. 06726, México D.F. México

Telephone Number : 525-548-5755/673-2788
FAX Number : 525-623-2673
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical; Genetics; Epidemiology; Immunology; Animal Models

Top of Address List

Dr. Lin He Xu,
Dept. of Parasitology, School of Basic Medical Sciences,
Shanghai Medical University,
138, Yi Xue Yuan Road,
Shanghai 200032 Peoples Republic of China

Telephone Number : 0086-021-431-1900 x359
FAX Number : 0086-021-433-0543
E-mail Address :
Interests : Cell Biology

Top of Address List

Professor Kor Yereli,
Department of Parasitology,
Celal Bayar University Medical School,
Manisa 45010, Turkey

Telephone Number : +90-532-246 35 78
FAX Number : +90-232-388 64 59
E-mail Address:
Interests : Epidemiology; Diagnosis of intestinal amebiasis, Antiamoebic Drugs, Giardiasis

Top of Address List

Professor T.S. Yong,
Department of Parasitology,
Yonsei University College of Medicine,
Seoul 120-752, Korea

Telephone Number : 822-361-5297
FAX Number : 822-363-8676
E-mail Address:
Interests : Diagnosis, Molecular Biology, Immunology

Top of Address List

Prof. Viqar Zaman,
Department of Microbiology,
The Aga Khan University,
Stadium Road, PO Box 3500,
Karachi 74800, Sindh Pakistan

Telephone Number : 92-21-493-0051 x2111
FAX Number : 92-21-493-4294
E-mail Address :
Interests : Clinical

Top of Address List

Sherwan Zindrou,
Department of Microbiology,
Uppsala University,
Husargatan 3,
Uppsala, S-751 23 Sweden

Telephone Number : 46-18-174068
FAX Number : 46-18-530396
E-mail Address :
Interests : Hemolysins

Top of Address List